January 2023
Celtic myth and legend have been buried by the mainstream English-centric modern culture, and few people, even those with Celtic heritage, have any knowledge of this side of British history and culture.
If an effort isn’t made to conserve and to share these stories, future generations will be further disconnected from their culture, and from the British landscape which is so vital to protect and cherish.
Celtic Land: Britain’s Hidden Magic is an online digital story archive. Visual storytelling through animation makes the stories accessible for anyone. Animations are presented alongside information about the real places behind the myth, bringing the magic to life.
This map illustration is featured on the site home page, providing an overview to the stories available to explore at the user’s leisure.
Each small illustration leads to its own story page. Further development would also feature interactive motions triggered by rolling over with the mouse.
Below is one example of a story page for The Selkie.